Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Packaging with appeal is more than just good looks.

Who knows why I looked at the bottom of the box.  But I did.


I was sitting in my car and just burst out laughing.

Click to enlarge.
Hats-off to Sarah Leo at for creating this little gem.

I’m so used to receiving my business cards in a boring white box.  I was hooked.

I wanted to know what else there was, quickly tearing-off the shrink-wrap.  By now I wasn’t interested in my new business cards at all and tipped them all over the seat, to see if there was another message under them.

When was the last time you got more fun out of the packaging than the product?  It’s rare.

Product packaging is (arguably) the most important touch-point between a company and its consumers.  Not often is it used to develop brand recognition and relationship.

When was the last time you saw some packaging that you knew had been designed with you in mind?  It’s rare.

In terms of branding, marketing, selling and communicating, this small example totally nails it.
As the consumer did I feel elevated by this?  Absolutely.  Am I now a fan?  Absolutely.  How does a company grow and expand profitably?  By creating more fans.

What a fun experience it is to be engaged by a company in the most unlikely place.

These photos demonstrate some simple yet effective ways a company can communicate with its consumers using packaging.


Anonymous said...
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Karen Zaskolny said...

Hey, nice one, Jeremy! Totally agree. Being in the advertising business, I am always looking at packaging in detail, and agree that rarely do you find much interesting. Freedom Foods do a good job. I buy a few of their products including their cereal and I really like their graphics and little bits of info on the sides and back of the pack. Karen :)

bush goddess said...

Yes....value can be added so easily in the packaging and for not much more, if any, money.

just the clever thinking to imagine it in the first place and make it happen :-)

Wilson Tiong said...

Hi Jeremy, this is amazing. I am totally agreed that packaging is important in marketing or delivering the message to the customers.
Sometimes it just need to think outside the box a little bit and that will create the big impact to the business. Be creative in packaging is one of the area i am looking to improve in my business now. Thanks for sharing.