Hotworthy Upworthy.
My April favourites from Upworthy.Escape from North Korea. Twice.
Compelling story. I had never really comprehended (well, to be truthful, had never given myself the chance to properly consider) the plight of the North Koreans, until it was captured in this amazing presentation.How many stories like this - that Australia needs to hear - are hidden away in places like Nauru?
UNICEF Advertisement.
Fantastic bit of creative. Every time a child is born, the rest of the world is given one more chance to get it right. We need to stop those that are getting it wrong - or just don't get it at all. As adults we can sometimes get our thinking back-to-front. We are consumed with predicting the future. It is only through children that we can ever truly know what the future is going to look like. That is to say, we need to start looking backwards, not forwards. Who is behind us is what will matter in the future - not ourselves.Dove Advertisement.
Incredible piece of marketing. There are some talented people working at Dove - or their agency. But I'm in two minds. How can a message so powerful be associated with flogging a product?! I'm in two minds because I subscribe to both messages. There has been a lot of hoopla about this ad. But that's what brilliant marketing is about. What astounds me is there are companies out there that still don't believe the power of social engagement and content marketing. Oh, and for what it's worth, if you haven't already done so, throw away your mental-mirror. I did - well, I had to.
Chimps freed after 30 years of being kept inside and tested on.
Sometimes we see something that doesn't require much thought at all and it's just nice to know it happened. P.S. When I started my own business and stopped working for other people, I felt like these chimps being set free, rolling on fresh lawn for the first time. You should try it.
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